Relationship Tips by Imago Therapists

How to Increase Intimacy with Your Partner

Written by Mara Fisher, LCSW, MCC | July 8, 2020 at 11:00 AM

Are you married now? If not, have you thought about being married? Do you ever wonder how you can have a lasting marriage? Do you want to remarry but are unsure it's right?

Think about how much work you put into preparing for a career. Weddings, as well, often take a large amount of planning and preparation.

Think about what happens after the honeymoon, though. Have you simply planned your wedding, or have you prepared for your future?

Isn't it interesting that preparation is often not part of the picture when it comes to your marriage?

Preparation and education are vital to a lasting marriage. Here are some essential steps to explore and share with your partner before and after your wedding:

Increasing Intimacy With 7 Tips: 

Tip #1 - Values 

Understand your values. Explore each other's values such as truthfulness, trustworthiness, integrity, etc. 

Tip #2 - Responsibility 

Be responsible for your words and actions. Communicate clearly and often with each other.

Tip #3 - Friendship 

Develop a caring friendship with your partner. Learn each other's likes and dislikes, such as foods, entertainment, recreation, etc.

Know that it is okay that not every interest includes both partners.

Tip #4 - Compatibility 

Ask yourself if you have the ability to be a compatible and harmonious couple.

Can you laugh at yourself and each other's quirks?

Tip #5 - Family 

Consider if you both have the same values about family. Communicate your expectations.

Do you want to build connections with each other's family?

Do you want to have children together? Discuss this in advance.

Tip #6 - Money

Explore and discuss how you'll manage money. Many couples do not talk about this and later have challenges around how to spend, how to save, etc. If you work this out in advance, you will be friends.

Money is the #1 reason for arguments in a marriage.

Tip #7 - Sex

What are your sex role expectations? Become clear about them and communicate them to your partner.

By asking each other the above questions, a couple can establish a strong spiritual and emotional bond. The more you communicate, the more likely you will feel heard and understood. Knowing that you share similar values, the stronger your bond will be, the happier your relationship will be, and the probability of it lasting greater.

If you are struggling with intimacy in your relationship, we're here to help. Check out our Imago Relationship Workshops and Relationship Therapy.

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Connect. Transform. Thrive.
Imago Relationships 


 This blog was written by Mara Fisher, LCSW, MCC

Mara is a Licensed Psychotherapist and Master Certified Coach. She is also a Certified Imago Therapist and Advanced Imago Therapist. 

Mara's career has grown out of a gift of intuition – which she's been aware of since childhood – and a natural inclination for using that gift to help empower others.  Guiding and coaching feel as adventurous to her as the way she's lived her life. Born in New York City, Mara took European trips in her youth and has lived in England, France, and New Mexico in the United States. 

Mara believes the boldness and confidence she gained through taking risks and expanding boundaries have contributed to her personal and professional successes. She loves seeing the joy in her clients when they find the courage to challenge themselves and transform their lives as well.

Mara has been a perpetual student, always exploring her inner self by learning new skills and techniques that help her to understand herself, other cultures, and what it is that makes us human. She applies that learning in a way that enables her clients to live fully in the present, to face the challenges in their futures, and to live their dreams.

For nearly three decades, Mara has focused on methods that help her clients realize that they already have answers to their questions. Instead of letting them give their power to her because she can often intuit what is going on in their lives, she can help them claim their power and solve their own problems.

Today Mara serves clients all over the globe through telephone and email communications. Her approach with each individual is uniquely shaped by who the person is and by their circumstances and needs. Tools and techniques selected for each client come from the expertise she's built during her career. 

Check out Mara's website too!