Most of us long to be in a loving, committed relationship. So if we are starting to get some internal signals that tell us our current partner might not be the right person for us, the instinct is to close our eyes to the things we see, to start rationalizing and stay in place, stuck.
However, being willing to see the truth with open eyes is one of the keys to not staying with someone you shouldn't and making a mess out of your life because you're too afraid to say goodbye.
So what are some of the signs that you are in a dead-end relationship?
Look Out For These 13 Warning Signs and Red Flags of a Toxic Relationship:
You know your partner is not empathetic and always gets defensive if you try to talk to them. If you don't have empathy, you don't have anything.
Your partner limits contact. You feel marginalized and not a priority most of the time. Perhaps this is the "they're just not that into you" category. We have to face the truth about what is in life and not tolerate settling for crumbs vs. the whole cake.
You were initially physically attracted but never felt there was a person of substance with which to connect.
Your partner is very reactive, much more than warrants the situation. If you think it's bad now? It can quickly progress.
Accepting differences is part of being a grown-up. There will always be differences in our primary relationship, but that is a major red flag if your partner cannot handle it if you disagree with them. One person can't always be right in a relationship. That's not an equal partnership.
Your values and beliefs are so polarized. If you can't bear to live with someone who thinks your ideas aren't valid - don't do it! Value yourself more and move on.
You find yourself wanting space a lot. It's the opposite of feeling like you can't get enough of your partner or can't wait to see them at the end of the day. Maybe you want to be partnered in your head, but your body is telling you something different. Listen.
You don't feel like you can be yourself. You feel anxious or have the feeling you’re walking on eggshells. Run for the hills!
Your partner is super clingy or super controlling, and you can't talk to them about it. Run for the hills again!
You don't feel loved and cherished much of the time. You don't get the feeling your partner is thrilled to be in the world with you. You've been together three years, and they still don't introduce you as their boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other. Please! Run, run, run...
Your family and friends are all warning you to take a hard look. Listen. Look and then listen and look again.
You don't have that complete green light feeling of seeing a future together. Your body keeps giving you a yellow or red signal instead of green. Listen.
You are the only one in the relationship who understands relationships take work and want to bring conscious intentionality to your communication.
It is so important to share your life and even marry the right person for you! Listen to your instincts, stay conscious and aware of what is vs. what you want to become. Observe. Seek the truth.
Living consciously with intentionality in your relationship will help you find the love you were meant to have and the partner you were meant to live a loving life together to thrive! Give yourself that gift.
If you are struggling in dating or finding the partner that's meant for you, we're here to help. Check out our Imago Relationship Workshops and Imago Relationship Therapy. We have Online Therapy and Online Workshops now too!
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